
jeudi 31 mars 2005

Playing the <em>real estate agent game</em>.

These days I definitively have no time to devote to my packages since I'm spending a lot of time and energy trying to find a new flat. In Paris, it is horrible because there is few offer and huge demand. You have to produce a lot of papers and guarantees including your parents surety, which is quite humiliating when you are working from 10 years now.

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mardi 15 mars 2005

Programmers that reserve too much key bindings for their applications should be beaten to death, cut of in small pieces, burnt ... and then really get hurt

I'm working today for a customer from one of his desktop stations. I'm not really used to this Gnome desktop since I use {@w9wm} and {@emacs} quite extensively as my desktop system. To tell the truth, I do almost everything with emacs : reading mail, trolling on IRC, uploading files to my FTP or editing via scp ... and of course editing text.

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lundi 21 février 2005

If you wish to be well served, serve yourself

This is exactly what I thought today while searching for backports of the excellent {@clamav} {@apache} mod_clamav module. After some googling, I found a backports repository ... which was mine! (well, actually, the backport repository of my company with mostly my own backports).

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mercredi 5 janvier 2005

Feeling obligated to do something and half doing it is far worse than doing nothing.

I was working today for a customer that works in an French administration when something strange happened. We were fixing bugs when someone who was probably the head of the administration entered and asked everybody to come with him in the hall to observe a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the tsunami. He said that it wasn't his idea but national directives from president Chirac, as if he was excusing from a weird idea that wasn't his.

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mardi 2 novembre 2004

The exorcist

Today, my job was to install a Debian based firewall for one of our customers. And then comes one of the favourite parts of my job ... exorcising the preinstalled evil Windows that sat on the computer.

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vendredi 22 octobre 2004

New Grisbi release, playing with OpenSceneGraph

We have finally released {@Grisbi} version 0.5.2. It mostly features bug fixes, but also a German translation, {@Gnucash} native import and CVS export. The good news, several people offered to make a translation of Grisbi (into Spanish, Rumanian, Swedish, ...) and we have more and more contributors. The bad news ... I haven't advanced in the UI redesign.

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mercredi 13 octobre 2004

Upgrading Cyrus SASL can spoil your day!

My colleague and friend {@raceme} is currently struggling to restore a server that he was just to deliver to a customer. It was just after a security upgrade and it took us some time to find that it is because libsasl7 was upgraded ... and was broken! Bad luck, this project was nearly finished.

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mardi 28 septembre 2004

[Free]swann's way (Du côté de chez [free]swann)

Battling with freeswan, I finally succeeded in bringing a VPN tunnel between a server and a client behind a NAT gateway. It was not that easy because x509 and nat traversal patches are somewhat conflicting. I ended up in installing superswan, which is a heavily patched freeswan version (I'd advise kids NOT googling for superswan ). I'm so happy it eventually work I can't resist posting this micro howto here (moreover, backups are for wimps, real men upload their data to an FTP site and have everyone else mirror it).

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dimanche 26 septembre 2004

Struggling with GtkTreeWhatever

Long time no weblog, but it doesn't mean I haven't done anything in the meantime! I finally made my new hackergotchi image, which is quite essential for a geek!

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vendredi 10 septembre 2004

My kingdom for a time warp machine!

Last tome of the comic book Sanctuaire, from Christophe Bec and Xavier Dorison, is due in next week, closing a very exciting story.

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mardi 7 septembre 2004

Back from holidays

After three weeks of holidays, in Cahors, Poitiers, Oléron Island, Berlfort, back to a geeky life!

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jeudi 26 août 2004

Back from holidays, going on vacation, 4500 non-spam mails ;-)

Back in Paris, but definitively too much mails to read to have a normal geeky activity ... I think simply deleting incoming mailboxes will solve the problem. ;-)

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mardi 10 août 2004


Encore une fois, 2h (au bas mot!) perdues à me battre avec l'authentification x509 de {@freeswan}. Encore une fois, du temps perdu parceque {@freeswan} charge le fichier /etc/x509cert.der s'il est présent pour l'envoyer au client ... qui ne loggue rien d'utile si c'est un windows !

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samedi 31 juillet 2004

Grisbi 0.5.1 sur la route

Cette semaine a été marquée principalement par la stabilisation de la version 0.5.1 de {@Grisbi}. J'ai corrigé pas mal de bugs et ajouté une fonctionnalité assez demandée : l'export en HTML des états. Normalement, comme les paquets sont déjà compilés pour les distributions les plus courantes, on devrait sortir officiellement la 0.5.1 ce lundi ... à suivre.

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dimanche 25 juillet 2004

Grisbi 0.5.1pre1

Aujourd'hui, sortie non annoncée publiquement de {@Grisbi} 0.5.1pre1. Première prérelease de la version 0.5.1 qui apporte des corrections de bugs.

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vendredi 23 juillet 2004

Faisons joujou

Depuis jeudi je m'amuse avec ma nouvelle radeon à faire un peu de 3D:

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lundi 12 juillet 2004

Y'a des matins, c'est dur ...

La semaine dernière, c'étaient les {@RMLL} à Bordeaux, avec notamment la conférence des développeurs {@Wesnoth}. Donc forcément, la débauche. Ce week-end, week-end calva en Normandie. Doc forcément, le lundi matin c'est difficile. :-)

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vendredi 9 juillet 2004

Les RMLL, c'est fini !

De retour des RMLL, après trois jours de conférences et de rencontres avec des développeurs du libre. C'était amusant de rencontrer des gens qu'on ne connaît que par IRC ou par mail et de les voir en chair et en os.

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lundi 5 juillet 2004

Christophe Bec a vraiment du talent

Je suis tombé (presque) par hasard sur le site de Christophe Bec, le dessinateur de Sanctuaire, une très bonne bande dessinée dont je suis fan.

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jeudi 1 juillet 2004

RMLL bis

Après 3/4 d'heure d'attente aux guichets, ça y est, j'ai mes billets de train pour les RMLL. Le plus cool est que j'y vais dans le même train que Tony et RV, les cartes vont fumer. :-)

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