On the use and abuse of logrotate to rotate spams
Par Benjamin Drieu le mardi 27 septembre 2005, 10:00 - Debian - Lien permanent
As for everybody, spam eventually became a major nuisance from quite a long time now. As my main email address is the same since 1996 and as it is apparent on the web, my daily spam volume is hundreds of spams (if not thousands). This makes too much junk to download in the morning when I start my computer and then to process via anti-spam filters. This is why I set up a basic filtering on my mail gateway and archive almost-certainly-spam in my $HOME there for further investigation in case ham is lost.
The problem is that my spam box eventually becomes too big and fills up the hard drive, causing frustration to other users. So I decided to use logrotate to archive my spam and set up the following in a crontab:
/home/benj/evil-spam { daily missingok rotate 7 compress notifempty }
So I can still harvest for recent ham if I need, and disk usage is kept low. This is really what I like with Unix, the possibility to use well-conceived tools in order to achieve something the programmer did not even imagined.
OK, nothing fancy there but I thought this perversion of logrotate might worth sharing. :-)