[Free]swann's way (Du côté de chez [free]swann)
Par Benjamin Drieu le mardi 28 septembre 2004, 10:00 - Blog - Lien permanent
Battling with freeswan, I finally succeeded in bringing a VPN tunnel
between a server and a client behind a NAT gateway. It was not that
easy because x509 and nat traversal patches are somewhat conflicting.
I ended up in installing superswan, which is a heavily patched
freeswan version (I'd advise kids NOT googling for superswan ).
I'm so happy it eventually work I can't resist posting this micro
howto here (moreover, backups are for wimps, real men upload their
data to an FTP site and have everyone else mirror it).
The schema is the following :
[ LAN ] -- [ VPN GW ] --- Internet --- [ NAT GW ] -- [ VPN01 GW ] -- [ LAN ] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | |
Relevant excerpt of ipsec.conf from server side :
conn tunnel-lan-vpn01 left= leftcert=gw.pem leftnexthop= leftsubnet= right= rightcert=vpn01.pem rightnexthop= rightsubnet= auto=start
Relevant excerpt of ipsec.conf from client side (with nat_traversal=yes in setup stanza):
conn tunnel-vpn01-lan auto=start left= leftcert=vpn01.pem leftnexthop= leftsubnet= right= rightcert=gw.pem rightsubnet=