Hacking emacs config
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 10 janvier 2005, 10:00 - Debian - Lien permanent
Today I tried to subscribe to some weblogs that only provide Atom feeds. Unfortunate, because to my knowledge Gnus/Emacs, which my favourite news aggregator (and mail reader, irc/ftp client, login shell, ...) only supports RSS through its nnrss extension.
A couple of google search later, I eventually came to a solution that involved converting feeds into RSS using a XSLT stylesheet. Nice !
OK, this was only half of the solution :-). I had trouble making emacs display rss correctly and eventually finished by hacking my configuration quite heavily and overloading some nnrss functions.
Yeepee, know I can syndicate the whole Internet in my Gnus folders. Step three is to find some time to read new feeds !