Never EVER test your mkcdrec images while hungry
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 8 novembre 2004, 10:00 - Debian - Lien permanent
Oh nice, this was the last day of this firewall installation, which is to be delivered and checked on today. Part of my job was to make a bootable {@mkcdrec} rescue CD-ROM for my server. Of course, when everything was ready and after two hours lost trying to write the ISO image from a windows machine, the only machine that had a CD-ROM burner (funny how you can spend time on OS you don't know and don't want to know!), it was time for testing.
Oh well, it was lunch time and we were all hungry, thus more concentrated on food than on computing stuff. OK, then boot on the CD-ROM, start the recovery procedure. Nice, it works. Press 'Ctrl-C' to abort ... what, nothing? Oh, might be because of busybox. OK, then press 'n' ... WTF? It is now formating my partitions!!!
Yes, 'n' was to bypass fdisk but NOT mkfs. Luckily, the backup worked well (so it is validated!). Oh, bad, it was an OLD backup. Not so old, thought, so I lost only 1 or 2 hours.
Note to myself, never EVER do critical stuff before lunch. ;-)