Hacking phpldapadmin and new grisbi release
Par Benjamin Drieu le vendredi 10 décembre 2004, 10:00 - Debian - Lien permanent
I'm to hack daily on {@phpldapadmin} this month for my job, which is really good news! We have a customer that needs a LDAP administration console with some extra features and that is very sensible to free software. So we proposed him to modify {@phpldapadmin} to suit his needs and to give our changes back to the community.
For those who don't know it already, check phpldapadmin, which is indeed not only a good tool by itself, but also a very well written application. Even if I'm not a PHP guru, I was able to understand its internals quickly and to add features in few hours. It is nice to see a PHP based application that is not written by a 12 year old kid. ;-)
I realize I forgot to mention that we released Grisbi 0.5.3 some days ago. It is mostly a bug fixes release, but next one will have some extra features and an extended support for users that are outside the euro zone. I am quite happy that Grisbi now has such an active community: people are translating it in Spanish, Brazilian, Swedish, Rumanian ... Join us now and share the software!