French parliament just approved today DADVSI, the worst copyright law in Europe.
vendredi 30 juin 2006
We now need a /debian-non-fr archive
Par Benjamin Drieu le vendredi 30 juin 2006, 10:00
vendredi 13 janvier 2006
How surprising!
Par Benjamin Drieu le vendredi 13 janvier 2006, 10:00
I always knew I had the best of everything.
mardi 20 décembre 2005
Heading to the parliament
Par Benjamin Drieu le mardi 20 décembre 2005, 10:00
As Christian said in a very nice summary of the issue, this is the day the DADVSI law (which is a transposition of the EUCD, the European DMCA) will be examined by French parliament.
mercredi 14 décembre 2005
CVS rulez (Score:-1, Flamebait)
Par Benjamin Drieu le mercredi 14 décembre 2005, 10:00
As it seems people are arguing about the revision systems hype, I just wanted to point that CVS rulez. Sure, it does not $some_obscure_witty_feature but, hey, is this feature really useful?
jeudi 24 novembre 2005
Pick of the day, ccache
Par Benjamin Drieu le jeudi 24 novembre 2005, 10:00
I recently tried and adopted ccache, which (quoting its webpage) acts as a caching pre-processor to C/C++ compilers, using the -E compiler switch and a hash to detect when a compilation can be satisfied from cache. This often results in a 5 to 10 times speedup in common compilations.
jeudi 13 octobre 2005
I hate the Internet
Par Benjamin Drieu le jeudi 13 octobre 2005, 10:00
So, as I'm a follower, I gave a try to the "you need" meme and found at the second place that benj needs to fix this. Ahah, funny, this poor benj has a bug to fix. Oh, wait, this reminds me something.
lundi 3 octobre 2005
So I need my tongue to catch up...
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 3 octobre 2005, 10:00
J'en reste sans voix.
mardi 27 septembre 2005
On the use and abuse of logrotate to rotate spams
Par Benjamin Drieu le mardi 27 septembre 2005, 10:00
As for everybody, spam eventually became a major nuisance from quite a long time now. As my main email address is the same since 1996 and as it is apparent on the web, my daily spam volume is hundreds of spams (if not thousands). This makes too much junk to download in the morning when I start my computer and then to process via anti-spam filters. This is why I set up a basic filtering on my mail gateway and archive almost-certainly-spam in my $HOME there for further investigation in case ham is lost.
lundi 19 septembre 2005
Naming machines
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 19 septembre 2005, 10:00
As I stumbled on my client's server, I could notice it was named after Mercury, and that there was a Hermes, a Vulcan and other mythology gods nearby. Besides that it is the quadrillionth time I log on a server named "mercury", I kept wonder how many naming schemes I met during my various business trips. So far, after ten year of consulting, I can count:
samedi 13 août 2005
Who said Debian is not responsive?
Par Benjamin Drieu le samedi 13 août 2005, 10:00
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:47:00 UTC: finishing my {@grisbi} package, ready for g++ transition.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:00 UTC: typing "dupload" and last mail check before actual upload.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:10 UTC: receiving and reading #322908.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:30 UTC: mumbling something, cursing and updating debian/changelog and recompiling package.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:51:00 UTC: coffee time.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:12:58 UTC: uploading package.
- Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:18:31 UTC: package accepted in archive.
mardi 2 août 2005
ipv6 and the dancing turtle
Par Benjamin Drieu le mardi 2 août 2005, 10:00
This is indeed the best incentive I've ever seen to migrate to ipv6 !
vendredi 29 juillet 2005
Par Benjamin Drieu le vendredi 29 juillet 2005, 10:00
Just received on an upstream mailing-list :
mercredi 16 février 2005
phpldapadmin patch commited!
Par Benjamin Drieu le mercredi 16 février 2005, 10:00
As I wrote some times ago in my weblog, I had the opportunity to work on {@phpldapadmin} for a customer. As part of the project is not specific, my customer (the {@INHA}) decided that we would contribute back to the community and send all improvements to upstream. Needless to say, both {@Alcôve} (my employer) and I were quite happy with that.
lundi 24 janvier 2005
On the usefulness of the spam oracle
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 24 janvier 2005, 10:00
Buy some donuts to your fellow Debian Developers.
mercredi 19 janvier 2005
When you have no brain, you gotta have legs
Par Benjamin Drieu le mercredi 19 janvier 2005, 10:00
Imagine you are working on a project and that there is a strike in public transportation today. Now, imagine you are the only one at the office to have the keys to unlock the room where our firewall is and that you left your keys at home. One would think that chances that the company firewall would crash just today are small. Just f... WRONG!
lundi 10 janvier 2005
Hacking emacs config
Par Benjamin Drieu le lundi 10 janvier 2005, 10:00
Today I tried to subscribe to some weblogs that only provide Atom feeds. Unfortunate, because to my knowledge Gnus/Emacs, which my favourite news aggregator (and mail reader, irc/ftp client, login shell, ...) only supports RSS through its nnrss extension.
jeudi 6 janvier 2005
Return of the musical Russian roulette
Par Benjamin Drieu le jeudi 6 janvier 2005, 10:00
Oh nice, a new {@meme}! So here are my ten first random songs:
dimanche 2 janvier 2005
Playing with my new tablet
Par Benjamin Drieu le dimanche 2 janvier 2005, 10:00
As I've been a good boy this year, Santa came and dropped an A6 Wacom Volito into my slippers. Needless to say, I'm delighted. :-)
samedi 1 janvier 2005
Happy GNU year!
Par Benjamin Drieu le samedi 1 janvier 2005, 10:00
Happy new year to everyone celebrating. I hope 2005 will be better than 2004, which was quite horrible from a personal view. Thought, celebrating was great. It is nice seeing that friends you care about are enjoying life and having a good time!
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