lundi 19 septembre 2005

Naming machines

As I stumbled on my client's server, I could notice it was named after Mercury, and that there was a Hermes, a Vulcan and other mythology gods nearby. Besides that it is the quadrillionth time I log on a server named "mercury", I kept wonder how many naming schemes I met during my various business trips. So far, after ten year of consulting, I can count:

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jeudi 1 septembre 2005

Vamos a la playa

Ce soir je serai parti pour une dizaine de jours au soleil de Cahors. Loin du clavier et de mes mails, donc ne me spammez pas trop en mon absence. :-)

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mercredi 31 août 2005

Le boulet du jour

Certains s'en rappellent peut-être, il y a quelques mois j'ai contribué à phpldapadmin.

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lundi 29 août 2005

Encore une victoire de canard !

Après quelques semaines de vacances, je me remets doucement à {@Grisbi}, qui était resté un peu à l'abandon pendant les vacances.

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lundi 22 août 2005

Planète APRIL

Nous avons mis en place un aggrégateur planet pour syndiquer les blogs des adhérents de l'APRIL. Il est disponible sur ou sur, selon.

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samedi 13 août 2005

Who said Debian is not responsive?

  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:47:00 UTC: finishing my {@grisbi} package, ready for g++ transition.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:00 UTC: typing "dupload" and last mail check before actual upload.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:10 UTC: receiving and reading #322908.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:50:30 UTC: mumbling something, cursing and updating debian/changelog and recompiling package.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:51:00 UTC: coffee time.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:12:58 UTC: uploading package.
  • Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:18:31 UTC: package accepted in archive.

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mardi 2 août 2005

ipv6 and the dancing turtle

This is indeed the best incentive I've ever seen to migrate to ipv6 !

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vendredi 29 juillet 2005


Just received on an upstream mailing-list :

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mercredi 13 juillet 2005

Preparing for a trip to Cahors

I'm departing tonight for some days to Cahors (Lot), in southern France. For those who do not know it, Lot is a very nice part of France, wild, with astonishing landscape and with welcoming people. Once you know that it is always sunny there and that it is where food and wine are best, you really don't want to spend your holidays elsewhere. :-)

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dimanche 10 juillet 2005

Back from the LSM2005

LSM2005 was great even if there were some organization issues, like not knowing if you would have a room to sleep during night. A friend even proposed me to sleep on the floor in her sleeping bag! Fortunately, it was not a serious issue but with more information, additional stress would have been avoided.

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jeudi 7 juillet 2005

Preparing for the Libre Software Meeting 2005

I am preparing my package for the Libre Software Meeting as my train is departing in less than two hours.

I am feeling pretty excited going there as a lot of old friends are there. I seriously doubt we will skinny-dip, but conferences are promising and we are most probably going to have fun as usual.

See you there !

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mercredi 6 juillet 2005

European parliament rejects software patents

"Software patents directive has been rejected by 648 votes against 14."

Happy happy joy joy !

Now, if Paris doesn't get the 2012 games, it will be a perfect day.

Oh wait, if I can meet the woman of my life today, THAT would be a perfect day. :-)

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lundi 4 juillet 2005

Preparing for the Libre Software Meeting

As I'm supposed to deliver a speech at the Libre Software Meeting, I have to prepare it. These days were quite busy: waking up late, sunbathing, skating, sketching in Paris, ... needless to say, I'm now late and I have to finish my speech soon!

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vendredi 1 juillet 2005

We don't need ESR anymore

Sure Eric, Free Software has no foes or even if it has, they won't attack us, right?

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lundi 27 juin 2005

Kicking does not help

I've already tried, kicking pillars does not help against arousal. A cold shower is much more efficient, I promise.

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jeudi 9 juin 2005

DSL is back!

To my great surprise, our DSL line is now functional at our new flat!.

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lundi 6 juin 2005

Hippy hippy shake!

Many many thanks to all of the people that have worked so hard for this new Debian release. Nuff said!

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vendredi 29 avril 2005

[VAC] 2005-04-30 - xxx

Tomorrow, I'm to move to a new place. Thanks to our phone operator, my flatmates and I are unlikely to obtain an internet access before at least two weeks. No packaging, no flaming, no trolling, no blogging, no mooing on IRC ... life is going to be cruel during next weeks. :-)

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mercredi 27 avril 2005

Tuning EMMS

In a previous blog entry, I talked about EMMS, a cool OGG player for Emacs based on ogg123.

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lundi 25 avril 2005

Contribution accepted!

As every wiki admin, I had to deal with spam. Speaking about it with my friend Mathieu, he told me about a simple but very efficient idea using captchas to block spam bots from altering the wiki. Captchas are randomly-generated images that display a string user has to type in to make sure she is a human. As a computer cannot easily decipher semi-obfuscated text printed on an image, it is easy to block programs ... and then spam bots.

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