samedi 23 avril 2005

Back from Libr'east

I'm back from the Libr'east of Paris, where I gave a conference about Debian. Audience was relatively small (approximatively twenty persons), but even if I prepared my talk in the train heading to the conference, it was nice.

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vendredi 22 avril 2005

I've got a flying machine!

Err, not exactly but here they are, I've got keys for my new flat ... at last! My flatmates (including the famous incredible luk) and I are taking care of the essential details, that is to say setting up an decent internet connection and preparing a network map.

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mercredi 20 avril 2005

A whinner song (cha cha cha)

People complaining about being obligated to backport {@Debian} packages should really try lesser distributions like RHEL.

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lundi 11 avril 2005

Branden for president!

Not a very original post, but I'd like to congratulate Branden our new Debian Project Leader. As everyone that voted for Branden, I hope that he'll be successful in achieving his goals.

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samedi 9 avril 2005

Did my duty

After being frightened by our beloved secretary (less than two hours before the end of vote), I eventually casted my ballot. This is the first time I put someone under the not of the above since that could be offensive for the candidate, but this year one of the candidates is definitively not acceptable.

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jeudi 7 avril 2005

Hacking on Grisbi

Today was an intensive hacking session on {@grisbi}. I must admit I'm quite proud of it, since it led to a nearly complete rewrite of the user interface and to 2200 lines of code suppressed due to various optimizations and code refactoring. Yeah, this rocks!

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jeudi 31 mars 2005

Playing the <em>real estate agent game</em>.

These days I definitively have no time to devote to my packages since I'm spending a lot of time and energy trying to find a new flat. In Paris, it is horrible because there is few offer and huge demand. You have to produce a lot of papers and guarantees including your parents surety, which is quite humiliating when you are working from 10 years now.

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mardi 15 mars 2005

Programmers that reserve too much key bindings for their applications should be beaten to death, cut of in small pieces, burnt ... and then really get hurt

I'm working today for a customer from one of his desktop stations. I'm not really used to this Gnome desktop since I use {@w9wm} and {@emacs} quite extensively as my desktop system. To tell the truth, I do almost everything with emacs : reading mail, trolling on IRC, uploading files to my FTP or editing via scp ... and of course editing text.

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lundi 21 février 2005

If you wish to be well served, serve yourself

This is exactly what I thought today while searching for backports of the excellent {@clamav} {@apache} mod_clamav module. After some googling, I found a backports repository ... which was mine! (well, actually, the backport repository of my company with mostly my own backports).

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mercredi 16 février 2005

phpldapadmin patch commited!

As I wrote some times ago in my weblog, I had the opportunity to work on {@phpldapadmin} for a customer. As part of the project is not specific, my customer (the {@INHA}) decided that we would contribute back to the community and send all improvements to upstream. Needless to say, both {@Alcôve} (my employer) and I were quite happy with that.

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lundi 24 janvier 2005

On the usefulness of the spam oracle

Buy some donuts to your fellow Debian Developers.

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mercredi 19 janvier 2005

When you have no brain, you gotta have legs

Imagine you are working on a project and that there is a strike in public transportation today. Now, imagine you are the only one at the office to have the keys to unlock the room where our firewall is and that you left your keys at home. One would think that chances that the company firewall would crash just today are small. Just f... WRONG!

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lundi 17 janvier 2005

I'm not a nerd!

I am nerdier than 35% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

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lundi 10 janvier 2005

Hacking emacs config

Today I tried to subscribe to some weblogs that only provide Atom feeds. Unfortunate, because to my knowledge Gnus/Emacs, which my favourite news aggregator (and mail reader, irc/ftp client, login shell, ...) only supports RSS through its nnrss extension.

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jeudi 6 janvier 2005

Return of the musical Russian roulette

Oh nice, a new {@meme}! So here are my ten first random songs:

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mercredi 5 janvier 2005

Feeling obligated to do something and half doing it is far worse than doing nothing.

I was working today for a customer that works in an French administration when something strange happened. We were fixing bugs when someone who was probably the head of the administration entered and asked everybody to come with him in the hall to observe a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the tsunami. He said that it wasn't his idea but national directives from president Chirac, as if he was excusing from a weird idea that wasn't his.

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dimanche 2 janvier 2005

Playing with my new tablet

As I've been a good boy this year, Santa came and dropped an A6 Wacom Volito into my slippers. Needless to say, I'm delighted. :-)

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samedi 1 janvier 2005

Happy GNU year!

Happy new year to everyone celebrating. I hope 2005 will be better than 2004, which was quite horrible from a personal view. Thought, celebrating was great. It is nice seeing that friends you care about are enjoying life and having a good time!

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mardi 28 décembre 2004

There is no place like /home

Oh, I realize that I haven't moved a lot. Even if I have visited most of western Europe, there are still some places I don't even remotely know. Any Japanese Debian developer willing to host a fellow developer for some weeks? ;-)

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lundi 27 décembre 2004

Tetrinet can delay software releases

I'm working today on the new {@grisbi} 0.5.4 release. This is mainly a bug fixes release, but support for the new {@libofx} library has been added and a new unit test feature has been developed by Alain Portal.

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